Friday, October 19, 2007

Lions and tigers and bears...OH MY!

Kaden's Halloween costume came in the mail yesterday and I just had to try it out. He didn't mind it at all....and I was laughing so hard I was almost in tears! It has a chubby belly and a big mane and cute! He crawled around and all over was impossible to get a good picture. He was attacking me the whole time, and giggling and babbling to no end. It was so cute, I just wish someone else would have been there to share in the hilarity of it with me!

The attack lion spots his prey (which is me by the way), and goes in for the kill.....

Cute little chubby lion....I love it!


Anonymous said...

Oh it's so cute!! I wish I could have just found mine so you could use it but it's so perfect! I love you and miss you and promise I am going to call you tomorrow, we are completely out of minutes on our phones so I have to call on the weekend, lame, I know.

Anonymous said...

He is such a cute little lion(boy)!!
Its fun to see and read from you guys all the time!! I wish I could be closer to you three!!!
Take care and a big kiss and hugh to all of you!

Daniela and Family from Switzerland

Nathan said...

That is such a cute outfit. And so much fun that he loved it. Beckett is going to be a chicken for Halloween. I don't know that he will enjoy being in the outfit quite as much as Kaden.

Becca said...

He's so adorable!!!