Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our sweet little redhead...

Wow, we have had quite a busy and eventful week...but we're back! I'll update later, but here are just a couple of pictures that I love.

I love this's perfect. Kaden was sick for 5 days last week and it was so sad. He was so subdued and quiet. He just layed around, wanted to be held, was droopy and looked miserable. I hated seeing him feeling so bad. I am thrilled he is feeling better and back to his jabbering, giggling, energetic self.


Scott & Gini Berrett said...

Jess! oh my gosh- I was going through some blogs of people in my ward and i saw on Zayne Shaffer's blog you were friends with them. what a small world! how are you?

Kara said...

I'm so glad that Kaden is feeling better. That's the worst when they're so sick and they're just miserable and so are you. Cute pictures- you are quite the photographer!

Jodi Jean said...

i'm glad he's feeliing better. aidan has been sick as well. he gets cuddly when he's sick (which is fun, cuz he's normally runnin' wild, but it takes it toll needing to hold him ALL the time!!) i'm glad your little one is up and runnin' again, its the worst when you can see how miserable they are!