I was talking with a friend a while back, about how when she looks at blogs, suddenly she feels as though her life is less interesting, less heroic, less glamorous, etc. I can see how this happens. Many of these blogging ladies are accused of gloating and embelishing their lives. It is possible that I come across that way. Not that I need to explain myself, because personally, I believe a blog is whatever the author wants it to be. It should not matter what anyone else thinks of it, but the truth is, at least for me, we worry about what others think WAY too much.
I feel that there is nothing wrong with acknowledging blessings and using an incredible amount of exclamation marks to further show happiness and excitement. In fact, I think it is wonderful. Isn't it great to be proud of your kids and husband, and to think they are the cutest, greatest things on earth? Isn't it great to rejoice in countless blessings, and to be so excited about them that you have share it? Isnt' it great knowing that God gives and gives to overflowing? YES it is great, so I am going to talk about it!
Besides, who wants to get on a blog and read about the sad, gloomy, hard life someone lives. Everyone, everyone, has it tough in some way or another. There is just no way getting around it. So, no matter how awesome and glamorous someone's life looks from the outside, there is always more to the story. I will sometimes blog, or allude to struggles, but it is true, and I actually do believe this (which is why I write it), that even in the struggles THERE IS GOOD STUFF TOO!
I often wonder why people even read my blog (if they even do), because I blog about silly, somewhat boring, and ridiculous things like walking down the road or playing at the park. The reason is that I don't have anything spectacular to blog about, just my daily life, which despite sometimes hard circumstances, to me, is really quite spectacular. I never have the intention of gloating, or of trying to make someone else feel less important. So, I guess that is really why I am writing this, to say that I would never, ever, intetionally offend or hurt someone, or try to bring them down so I look better. NEVER.
My sense of humor often paints me to be somewhat amazing and talented, as I am often too sarcastic. Like my post about deck building...NO, I am not good at it! The things I write, no matter how lame this sounds, are for ME, for my family and friends who know ME and how I tick, the things that please me, make me happy, or devastate me.
I am still the little red-headed, freckle-faced girl that gets overly excited about simple things. I actually DO get excited and find myself blessed when I wander on the path by the lake, or take my son to the park, or see my husband conquer a new task....and you betcha I am going to blog about it. I will blog my exact feelings which will come across as self-centered, and yep, I am okay with that.
I have been thinking about this subject a lot lately, and just today, one of my favorite bloggers wrote my exact thoughts (only much, much more eliquently and humorously). If I was better with words, I would have said the same thing. And, come to find out, she's got that same sense of humor I do. So, to Cjane, AMEN.
Please read this; it's funny and worth the time.
Keep on blogging, I love your up- beat attitude.
I love your blog! I have never, ever thought of you as being self-centered or been offended by what you have blogged about. You have an attitude that I really admire. And to be honest with you, sometimes its nice to read that I am not the only over-obsessive mother who is crazy about her son! You are too, j/k! Really though, I love to read about what is going on in other peoples lives and know that they are happy and that there are still good people in the world! So not that I matter in the scheme of things, but I say keep it up!!!
Jess, I think you are a great writer and I love reading your blog! You have such a positive attitude and you always make me want to be a better wife and mother and person. I think you can and should write whatever you want and not have to worry about what anyone else thinks of it. You'll be able to look back on this years down and road and remember all the little, simple things like going to the park and playing in the snow, and building your beautiful deck. Keep it up!
We just love your blog...keep em coming!! I actually have a friend whose blog is all doom and gloom and I rarely head over there to read it, just for that exact reason!! Oh and your new little puppy is so darn cute, I would love to give him a little hug and scratch behind the ear!! I think that he and Jeter would get along great and they could hop around together :)
Jessica! You are amazing and your blog is perfect. Don't change a thing. You never come off as narcissistic and if someone doesn't understand your adorable way of "giving yourself props" then they are not supposed to be on this site. Could you imagine if people looked and my blog and wondered if it was too self-centered...hello! It is over the top self-centered....just nicely packaged as my personal history. hee hee luvs- stacers
I don't know if you remember me but I'm the oldest Wadell kid ;) I have to make a comment here...you are amazing! you have been through soooo much in the last few years and are so upbeat and positive IN A GOOD WAY! you emulate the spirit and are an example to anyone who reads what you write. Matt's accomplishments are miraculous and your little boy is beautiful. I am so impressed with your faith and love for the Savior and being able to read it, puts my life in perspective. You don't write the negative and look at so much positive but it is also humbling when I complain about the silliest things. Keep on blogging and don't change it for anyone. You have a great attitude!!!
I think I know you well enough to know you that you do not have a narcissistic cell in your body. You delight in life, the simple things that bring us joy, and choose to always see the bright side, even when faced with adversity. Narcissistic?? NO! Admirable and exemplary??? ABSOLUTELY.
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