Thursday, October 29, 2009

lazy days

We woke up to this yesterday. It was so beautiful. I can't say I am completely prepared or ready for winter to come, but I love it all the same. I have to admit that I get a little tired of people complaining about the weather. It's too hot, too cold, snowy, rainy, sunny, windy, etc. Are we never happy? I tend to get a little S.A.D. when the gloomy days drag on, but I try hard not to complain. There is a good reason for all of it! The gloomy days make the sunny ones that much more special. Yesterday we stayed inside doing very important things like watching movies, and making spectacular playdoh creations.

He went out BAREFOOT! I am the worst mom. I was taking pictures and he escaped out the door and made a loop around the deck. The snow didn't even seem to phase him. He got shots yesterday and didn't flinch. There is something a little weird about this boy...

Kaden has been totally in love with all of the Dr. Seuss books lately, so when we saw these pj's, they were a must-have. My little "thing" is adorable, even with a big owie on his chin and smoothie in his hair.

And this little piglet is growing like a champ. He was 10lb 5 oz yesterday and 22 inches. He is in the 25% for both...he's going to catch up in no time. He is smiling and making cute noises that I can't get enough of. And, he really doesn't lay in that bouncy chair all day. I realized that every picture I have posted that's where he's been. It is quite a cush place though...on the table in the sunshine where he can see all the commotion. Oh, and there is a lot of commotion.

Kaden loves his brother. He asks to hold him several times a day and is learning how to be soft. I am slowly getting the hang of juggling 2 kids. I am slowly learning how to spend entire days at home. I am one that needs a social life, needs to get out on a regular basis. It's been an adjustment staying home more. I often go to bed feeling like I have accomplished nothing, and have nothing to show for my day. At the same time, I have loved it and never want to go back to work. I am pathetic! I just want it all my way.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hey Jess! Let's go walking on Monday or Tuesday!