Friday, April 20, 2007

Working again....

My little blue-eyed cutie pie!

Temple Square with my Handsome Man

After quite the break, Matt and I are going to start working. Well, I guess I have been working a little bit from home...but it's time to get a move on things! Matt got a job at a restaurant doing odd jobs, prep cooking, landscaping, etc. He will only work there about 10 hrs a week. He is also still helping my Dad with building, fixing, etc. He loves this because it's hands on and fun for him. He is always very happy after they finish a job. We have also filled out an application for vocational rehab and will be meeting with someone within the next few weeks. I think this is really where we need to be heading. They will help train Matt in his preferred area of work, and help him find a job. He is remembering more and more about the inner-workings of a computer. He finished three years of college in computer science, and that is where he really wants to be. I am hoping that he will continue to remember and learn new things, so that someday he can have the job he loves, even if it is only part-time. I am proud of him though. He tries hard and he knows what he wants and where he wants to go. We are also trying to find a class at the community college here that he can audit. It will be good to see how he does in a classroom, how he handles the homework, lectures, etc. I am hoping he does well and can go to school again someday, again, even if only part-time. I know that things take time, so right now we just have to have patience and faith.

I do massage therapy from home and am going to be sending out brochures, cards, etc. for my own home business. I will gradually build up a clientele. It is so nice to be able to work from home. I can schedule my hours however I like, and Matt and Kaden can entertain eachother while I am working. I love my job and it really is fulfilling. In May I will start up again at the spa. This is also an ideal job, it's only 6 miles from our home, my boss is amazing and so easy to work with. The pay and schedule are great too. Today I am starting a once a week job working with kids/adults with handicaps, both mental and physical. It is at the town rec center where they meet daily for crafts, movies, therapy, exercise etc. It is only a few hours a week for me and about 20 minutes from our home. I am excited to do this and I think it will be very rewarding.

I am grateful for the work and thankful my job is so flexible and can provide what we need right now. Eventually, maybe when Kaden is in school, I may go back to school. I am not sure at all what the future holds for us, so right now we just take one day at a time. Things are going well though for the most part. We are happy to be where we are, and happy to see things progressing well for us. Thanks for keeping up on us and our sometimes boring, sometimes exciting lives. :)


allisonlaurel said...

Cute pictures!!! It is so good to hear from you guys! Keep us posted on your lives and we'll do the same!

Brooke said...

Thanks for writing that update. We still keep you in our prayers!

Kathy said...

I am so happy to ee you guys doing well. I used to check the site that as set up after the accident all the time. Your little boy is beautiful!

Emilie said...

Hello Woods! I've never met you Jessica but I was friends with Matt in High School. I've been following this whole fiasco ya'll have been through the last several years and am amazed. Matt - it is good to see you progressing...and a daddy! Glad all is well.

Emilie (Watkins) Cox