Monday, July 30, 2012

our trip: day with the henrys

When we arrived at Dan and Ashley's we quickly put the kids to bed.  Beckham in a pack-and-play and Kaden on the floor in a sleeping bag. I was optimistic that they would go right to sleep.  Kaden was pretty quick to fall asleep, but Beckham stood up in the pack-and-play singing and talking for a long time.  It was 2:00 am when I didn't hear him anymore.  I was so tired, but my mind was racing and I couldn't seem to fall asleep.  Finally I did, only to wake up shortly after to Kaden crying and crying. I went to see what the deal was.  He had growing pains.  He gets them pretty frequently and I feel so bad for him. I remember getting them quite a bit as a kid and I remember how bad it feels.  I lay on the cough with him rubbing his sore, extremely tight, little leg muscles.  He was practically inconsolable.  I just talked to him about his day, about the flight, what his favorite things are, what he was excited for during our trip.  He was okay when we talked, but the minute I stopped he started crying again, "mama, why won't it stop hurting?!?"  I felt so bad, but was so concerned he would wake up the entire house.  I hate that stress of worrying a crying child will keep everyone else from sleeping.  Finally we fell asleep together on the couch, about 4:30 am.  We got up about 7:30 and started the day.

We decided to go to the beach and I am so glad.  Matt actually stayed behind to sleep because he was exhausted.  I missed him hanging out with us, but was so glad he was catching up on rest.  We packed snacks, sand toys, towels, and chairs and headed off.  I really liked the spot we went to; it wasn't too crowded and the waves were pretty small.  Kaden was in Heaven; he was SO excited.  Beckham didn't know what to think.  He felt unsure in the water, so spent most of the time eating on the chair he claimed, or hanging out on the stairs by the beach entry.  The weather wasn't too hot, which was perfect.  Dan dug a big hole and filled it with water for a pool.  I loved watching the kids play and catching up with dear friends.  Kaden and Calvin are two peas in a pod; little soul brothers.  They are so much alike and got along so well.  They splashed and rolled around in the sand and caught sand crabs.  Scarlett was just too cute for words. Our day with them was such a fun time and I loved every minute.

We went home at nap time and spent the good part of an hour bathing and washing sand from everything.  We had the most delicious lunch and my kids slept for hours.  Matt's sister Nicole was bringing us Grandma's car (more on that later).  I thought she was dropping it off and riding down with an aunt, so I didn't feel pressure to wake the kids up too soon.  I was wrong though and realized she would be ready to go when she arrived.  We had spent so much time trying to get things cleaned up and the kids to sleep that I hadn't been able to finish up our packing.  Dan and Ash were amazing.  They lent us SO much stuff.  We were staying at a KOA in a cabin so we had to have all of our own bedding, towels, a stroller, etc.  Stuff there was no way we could have packed with us.  We took half of their house when we left.  I felt bad Nicole had to wait on me for about 30 min while I finished getting everything together.  I hate feeling like people are waiting, or put out by me.  I decided that I just wasn't going to feel too terribly bad about it because I am sort of a one-man-show and I was doing my best.

We made it to the KOA at just the right time. We didn't miss anything and I was so grateful that my kids were able to take really looooooong naps. We had a nice family dinner and just hung out.  Kaden was so excited there were so many kids to play with.  Beckham was paranoid I was going to leave him and he wasn't very friendly.  Despite the bumps we'd already had, I felt happy to be there and ready for a nice little vacation and family time.

I loved the pictures I got at the beach.

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