I have been toting him all over the county as I go to work and try to help my parents out with finishing up our house. He is such an easy-going little guy. Other than being extra snuggly and a little droopy he's been such a good sport and didn't seem to be that sick. I felt bad for him not feeling well, but I have loved snuggling up with him and taking it easy. We stayed home from church Sunday, and it was such a fun morning. (I can see myself in the future letting my kids stay home from school so I have someone to play with, hah).
I had to work yesterday so I loaded him up in the car, mere moment after he had woken up. I could tell he didn't feel good and he was mad at me. To top it all off, he looked down right as I clipped his car seat and I totally pinched his lip. Driving to my mom's house I was wrestling with myself...do I cancel my appointments and take care of my child, or do I earn the money we need right now? I hate that feeling. HATE IT. I love my new job, LOVE it, but still find myself torn between too much, too often.
I got Kaden a Dr.'s appointment in the afternoon. So, I drove back up to my parent's house and carted the little man to town. The Dr. got a good listen to his lungs and said, "wow, I really dont' like that sound." She proceeded to inform me that he was developing pneumonia....PNEUMONIA!!!! I felt AWFUL that I had waited so long to get it checked out.
I got Kaden a Dr.'s appointment in the afternoon. So, I drove back up to my parent's house and carted the little man to town. The Dr. got a good listen to his lungs and said, "wow, I really dont' like that sound." She proceeded to inform me that he was developing pneumonia....PNEUMONIA!!!! I felt AWFUL that I had waited so long to get it checked out.
We headed to get the prescription and I proceeded to give him suckers, buy him 2 awesome monster trucks and choo choo pajamas, because that is what moms do when their baby is sick. I will continue to spoil him rotten until he feels better. I might just let him sleep in my bed until we head to Utah next week. Matt is already there, so I need the extra company anyway. Yes, I will let him sleep with me and I will give him everything he wants until he feels better.