Monday, September 14, 2009


My little man has been giving me a real run for my money. He is into everything, whining nonstop, and pushing his limits all over the place. I hate feeling like he is living in time-out, or that I am telling him "no" all day. I am really hoping this is a normal phase he is going through, just trying to get attention. Today he dumped a bottle of salad dressing down the vent into the duct work in the basement. It actually hurts me to get mad at him. It actually hurts to see his sad, heart-broken face.

He loves Beckham, almost too much. He wants to squeeze him, feed him, hold him, kiss him, force the binky in his mouth, you name it. It is cute and very frustrating. I want him to love him, but again, I find myself saying "no" much more than I'd like to. He'll learn to be soft, right?

Even though he's been trouble and driving me to near insanity, he is still the sweetest little guy around. He forgives me for getting mad, and apologizes for being naughty. He smiles and laughs all day and says "thank you so much mama!" whenever I do something for him. I am sure this is just a little bump in the road, and I am sure glad he is so stinkin' cute, or I might rent him out for a few days. I really do love that attention-demanding, mischief-making, whining, ornery little fella.


Brooke said...

Jasper went through a faze much like this after we brought her brother home... it gets better eventually. I wish I could tell you what works to help that adjustment along, but we tried many things that didn't seem to make a difference. She finally just got used to it and stopped the bad behavior! Good luck!

Tara said...

Kammy is super whiney right now too. She'll also go push the tv buttons right after Isaac tells her no and moves her away. Then she gets a jumbo pouty lip and insta-tears every time she gets redirected. She wants to shake Gage any chance she gets : ) I guess it's just a natural phase.

Brooke said...

I just remembered one thing that did seem to work... RENTING her out for a few days! :D She went with her Grammie on a little mini vacation to see her cousins, and when she came back she was a little better (even though she continued to act up for Grammie while gone). I felt bad, like I was sending her away, and I cried a lot about how hard it was on her to adjust to sharing Mommy. Let me know if you want someone to "rent" him out to for a day. :D

Susan said...

If you're ever feel like you're about to go crazy, give me a call and I'll kidnap him for a few hours. I do just live around the corner! :)

Susan said...

Can you tell I'm tired?!

Robin's Ramblings said...

You can rent him out to me ANYTIME, and we'll eat chocolate and read books and snuggle, and there are no heat vents to pour salad dressing into, so what trouble could he find?