Saturday, October 22, 2011

something magical about the light

Don't you think that there is something quite special and captivating about the light in the fall? I swear it's at the perfect angle to make things magic. The light glimmers on the yellow leaves and it makes water sparkle and glitter like diamonds. I feel like I can't even experience it enough. I see it and love it, but I feel like I need to smell it, taste it, photograph it, eat it. That might only make sense to my mom, but it really is just amazing.

Kaden makes things magic in his own way. His eyes sparkle when he smiles. His laughter makes my soul happy. I love to smell him, photograph him, and I could definitely eat him too. We went on a nature walk today and it was so fun watching him explore and find things, hear things, notice little things that most might never see. Bekham walked further than he ever has before. He loved it too. Matt had the special job walking Toby on his leash. I give that dog a serious F- for leash abilities. Matt only gave him a B- which is way too nice; he is terrible.

I love our weekends. We are so lucky to have a three day weekend every week. Matt and I both have Mondays off. Monday usually turns into chore day and Saturday is play day. We spent the entire day at home today and didn't get bored for one second. We woke up late, ate late, boys got haircuts, we played a little, cleaned a little, played a little, and played a little more. It was so fun to enjoy each other with no distractions.

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