Friday, September 4, 2009

He Grew

I was warned that once Beckham came along, Kaden would look ginormous. He's always been a big boy, but he's always been my baby. He seems small to me, until I see him towering over kids his age. When Matt holds him, he does look small.

I have been juggling time between home and the hospital. Kaden spent a few days with my parents and when he came back to me, I swear he grew a few inches. I also felt impressed with his ever-improving speech and vocabulary. He is speaking in full (and hilarious) sentences and his perfect memory never ceases to amaze me. I feel like my little boy grew an exponential amount in the past few days.

When he comes to the hospital to see his baby brother he seems so much older. Today, he was soft with him, he walked in the nursery quietly and whispered. He reminded me to be quiet too, "Mama, shhhhh, babies are sweeping!" My baby is growing up.

I miss my days with him. I miss seeing his imagination run wild while the toys pile up in the living room. I miss hearing "Mascar 2" in the background.

Soon, my little baby will be home with my big baby. I can't wait to hold Beckham on the couch and watch Kaden mess up the living room. I can't wait to resume a "normal" (is there such thing?) life full of the mundane tasks of being a mom. I love those tasks, and I am thrilled to be able to serve two baby boys. I love watching Kaden learn new things every minute, and I can't wait to start on the same adventure with Beckham. It's going to be great.


Robin's Ramblings said...

Oh, I love your baby boys too!!!!!

me and you plus two said...

After I had Thomas I always felt like I didn't spend enough time with Lauren. So I know how you feel.